Accidents are in a small corner. You obviously want to create the safest possible environment for your child. In this blog, I'll give you some tips.
First steps
From the moment your child takes its first steps, safety is a priority. Babies are born with curiosity. They want to grab and grasp everything. And when they start walking, they will want to go everywhere.

Safety at home
If you want to be sure your home is ´baby safe,´ put yourself in your baby's shoes. What would a baby do? What would a baby enjoy grabbing? Therefore, there are certain things you should pay extra attention to;
Sharp corners. When babies learn to crawl and walk, their balance is still very precarious. This makes them fall easily. So make sure you use silicone corners, for example, for the sharp corners of a coffee table.
Windows. When your baby can walk, they are bound to be curious about what's outside, which can cause them to fall out the window. You can use window guards for that, for example.
Loose furniture. These are common in a home. Examples include lamps, tables and decorations. When your little one starts walking, they also start pulling themselves up on things, so there's a good chance it will fall on the little one. Therefore, put your loose furniture as high as possible, where your little one absolutely cannot reach it. Or remove it from your home.

Dangers in the home
Stairs are a big part of a baby and toddler's curiosity. So they will definitely be curious about what can be found downstairs and upstairs as well. Because they are still so small, the steps are still too high for their little legs. That is why it is handy to have a climbing gate at the top and/or bottom of your stairs so they can't fall off. This way they are prevented from walking or crawling up or down. Another thing that is a very big danger is fireplaces. If it lights up or is bright, babies are quickly interested and will be tempted to reach for it. For that you can use a flex system gate system fence. The BabyDan Flex System Gate is a multifunctional gate and can be used as a stair gate, door gate or fireplace screen. The system is easy to assemble.

Different areas to consider
- Store cleaning supplies properly and preferably as high up as possible.
- Be careful with the things you put on the countertop.
- Put electrical appliances out of reach for grabbing. Be careful of appliance cords.
Living room:
- Make sure all sharp corners in the living room such as tables are covered with a corner protector.
- Make sure that if you have plants in the house, that they are high up or in an area where they cannot reach them. Children want to pull at the leaves quite often.
- Secure all electrical outlets. Even where they can't easily reach them. Children often find a way.
- If you have a bathtub, use a non-slip mat. When your child stands in the bathtub, this will keep them from slipping.
- Never leave your child alone in the bathroom. The stones in a bathroom are very hard and slippery. So they can fall faster.
- Make sure your child cannot reach the faucet.