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Baby room? Where to start.

by Kimberly Schoobaar To December 26, 2020

The baby's room. One of the best parts of being pregnant. This is what we all look forward to as mothers, right? But where should we start? What colors am I going to use? No stress. It will all work out. I'm going to tell you more about it.  

 Boy or a girl?

This is another incredibly fun part. The gender reveal. You have so many different ways to find out if you are having a boy or a girl. Cake, balloons, confetti and so much more. When you know the baby's gender, it's obviously easier to decorate the baby's room. That way you can coordinate everything better. 

List of must haves 

Of course, there are certain items that are essential for the baby's room. Be sure to pay close attention to the safety of the furniture. Here is a short list of what you will need. 

How do I make the baby's room safe?

This is of course hell important, You not only need to make the baby's room safe but also your whole house. Here are some tips to make the baby's room safer.

  • Don't put the baby bed in front of the window because of the sun.
  • Cover all electrical outlets.
  • Make sure the crib is not in a draft.
  •  Use a storage basket for loose toys so you can't trip over them when you have the baby in your arms. 
  • Use a sheet and a blanketNo quilt. This is not suitable for babies. It increases the risk of suffocation. 



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