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My child is in toddler puberty

by Kimberly Schoobaar To December 26, 2020

Toddler puberty is 1 of the most difficult phases of a child's life. A toddler who is in this phase can be very difficult and annoying. Hence the term "toddler puberty. Although they can sometimes be very awkward at this age, at the same time they are also very fun and sociable at this age. 

What is toddler puberty?

Toddler puberty is also called the ''no phase.'' This phase lasts for about 2 years. It often begins when they are 2 and is often finished by age 4. This phase is sometimes extremely difficult for parents. Toddlers become very stubborn and want to do everything but everything themselves. So even if you are in a hurry and they want to tie their own laces and put on their own jacket. Despite the awkward periods, there are also really nice aspects to this phase. For example, they really start talking and become curious about everything. This means you have to be very careful what you say around your toddler. They repeat everything they hear, including the bad words. 

How do I deal with this?

Often at this stage toddlers also become a lot more rebellious. But that doesn't mean you have to give in to everything. There will have to be clear rules and you have to stay consistent. If you don't do this, you will experience more frequent tantrums. Just keep in mind that he or she is still just a toddler and will be far from understanding everything. 

Toddler tantrums

Toddler tantrums are bouts of outbursts. This often happens when they don't get their way or when they are very tired. Here are a few landmarks of a tantrum. 

  • Crying
  • Screaming 
  • Running away
  • Hitting
  • Kicking
  • Pushing Away

 Tips for a toddler tantrum

  • Provide plenty of attention.
  • Provide distractions.
  • Be clear and consistent at all times. 
  • Show understanding
  • Do not allow him/her to shout in a public place, if he/she does, you should apply appropriate punishment immediately.
  • Make sure there are clear rules.

What not to do

  • Don't give in. If you give in, the child thinks that if he or she behaves this way, they will eventually get their way. This way, there will only be more tantrums.
  • Don't start negotiating. Children cannot think clearly when they are in a tantrum so there is no point in negotiating with them either. Also, this is not a good option because your child will think he can manipulate you with this behavior to get his way in the end. 
  • Don't yell. Yelling at a child who is already upset will only backfire. It makes them feel even less understood and will only cause them to exhibit worse behavior.

Preventing a temper tantrum

Preventing a tantrum is very difficult. Children reach an age when they want to become more independent. Tying their own shoelaces, putting on their coats, etc. If they don't get their way, a tantrum will soon ensue. There's not much you can do about that. What you can do is learn to deal with it. Show understanding and put yourself in your child's shoes. This way it is easy to understand what they are feeling and what the best solution is. 

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