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Gottmer Kinderboeken -  Rupsje nooit genoeg + knuffel, Babyboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
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    Gottmer Children's Books - Caterpillar never enough + cuddly toy


    The story of Caterpillar Never Enough has been world famous for decades. Caterpillar Never Enough crawls out of his egg like a tiny caterpillar. He is hungry, so he starts eating, but he keeps on doing so. He eats his way through all kinds of food, until he is a very big fat caterpillar. Then he builds a little house and out of it he comes again as a beautiful butterfly.

    The classic story of Caterpillar Never Enough is done as a small format cardboard book, together in a bag with a plush cuddly toy of the caterpillar.


    • Age recommendation: babies and toddlers
    • Author: Eric Carle
    • Type: Hardback
    • Number of pages : 8
    • Series : Caterpillar Never Enough
    • Publisher : Gottmer Publishers Group b.v.
    • Nice as a maternity gift

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