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Gottmer Kinderboeken - Rupsje Nooitgenoeg Babyboek - Knispergeluiden, Babyboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu

    Gottmer Children's Books - Caterpillar Never Enough Baby Book - Crackling Sounds


    With "Caterpillar Never Enough - Fabric Book," babies as young as 6 months can enjoy the classic Caterpillar Never Enough story in simplified form, but with just as many beautiful colors, shapes and the beloved illustrations. If you are looking for a fun and interactive way to help your baby learn and develop fine motor skills, a fabric book for babies is an excellent choice. The soft and safe little book is perfect for grasping baby hands: they won't want to let go of it anytime soon. The baby book is packaged in a beautiful gift box, in short: the perfect maternity gift!


    • Language: Dutch
    • Feeling Book
    • Maternity gift

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