Hear them simmer and rattle! Arne the bear cooked for his friends. Mmm yummy, chili con carne! That makes them all - oops! - fart. So they turn it into...
Innovative, interactive cardboard book! Pfoe! What a busy day. Help the firewoman as she slides down the pole, rolls out the fire hose and puts out the fire. Because of...
Rara, who is it? Little kids love peekaboo games. These quickly put a big smile on their faces! Yusuke Yonezu came up with a new variation on this. First, you...
Indomitable appetite!A hungry wolf,a bird,a squirrel,a frog,a rabbit...As long as that goes well! Funny, sturdy flap book about a wolf with indomitable appetites. Features lovable animals that children will want...
Sharing Together. What do you do when you and your boyfriend both want to eat that one cookie? Learn how much fun sharing is with this funny cardboard book. ...
Nothing is what it seems. How can it be? A tulip becomes a cat and a gerbera becomes a rooster! Embark on a "journey of discovery" by flipping open the...
Discover, name and recognize. More than eighty everyday objects are named in this picture dictionary made of cardboard. The realistic illustrations in cheerful colors are on a contrasting white background...
Your very first ballet performanceThe little dancers are ready to shine on stage! Teacher Amy's ballet studio is coming up with a new dance performance, The Butterfly Dance. Rosa and...
She cackles on and on! Chatterbox is a real chatterbox. She cackles at everyone's ears! Unfortunately, the chicken family doesn't have time to listen to her cackling. One day, Chatterbox...
A colorful world. The world is colorful and this cardboard book makes it even more colorful. Meet Bruno, the happy dog who takes you to all sorts of places: the...
The third book in the series "From Small to Great" tells the story of Anne Frank, a German girl of Jewish descent who went into hiding during World War II...
Singing into the fall with Aretha Franklin! This book is part of the series 'From small to great', with which children and adults discover the life stories of important people...
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